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부동산 Talk
공동 명의 타이틀 관해 옵션이 4개 있는데 뭘 하는게 좋은가요? (캘리)
 2020-01-15 03:51:06  |   조회: 206
첨부파일 : -
지난주에 타이틀 공동명의 하겠다해서 이름하고 다 해서 문서 작성해서 보냈거든요. 근데 저희가 선택 안한 문항이 있다고 최대한 빨리 해달라고 이멜이 왔어요.
IF TWO (2) OR MORE PEOPLE ARE TAKING TITLE TOGETHER, please check one of the following:
-As Joint Tenants
-As Community Property (husband and wife, domestic partners or same sex marriage only)
-As Community Property with Right of Survivorship (husband and wife, domestic partners or same sex marriage only)
-As Tenants in Common
저희는 공동명의 올릴건데 네번째는 아닌거 같고 첫번째, 두번째 아님 세번째인건데 뭘 하는게 좋은건가요?
그리고 현재 제 이름- 남편이름 순서로 했는데 남편이름 먼저하는거랑 차이가 있나요? 저희 론도 제 이름이 먼저라서 그거랑 맞춘거거든요.
2020-01-15 03:51:06

회원_161385 2020-01-15 03:51:12
Community property with right of survivor ship 으로 하셔서 세금혜택 받으세요
누구 이름이 먼저든 상관없어요

회원_293878 2020-01-15 03:51:29
One main difference between property held as a joint tenancy and property held as community property with right of survivorship is the manner in which profits from the sale of jointly-held property is taxed. Generally, property held as community property with right of survivorship has tax advantages over a joint tenancy. In a joint tenancy, when one spouse sells property that was held jointly prior to the death of the other spouse, a portion of the profit is subject to capital gains tax. Whereas

회원_320163 2020-01-15 03:51:46
원)자세한 설명 감사합니다. survivorship 으로 했어요 :)
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